Nothing is better than slipping on a saree that you can feel was made with love and care. When you want the ultimate display of artisan affection, a carefully crafted Kashmiri saree is the perfect choice. Here’s why this classic Indian textile technique is making a high-fashion comeback!
Kashmir’s most skilled embroiderers have been hand-stitching Kashmiri work onto sarees and lehengas for centuries, and there’s a reason why this classic textile technique has stood the test of time. Kashmiri garments are loved around the world for their perfectly executed stitches and ornate motifs.
A Kashmiri artist spends 5 to 6 months hand-stitching each garment using one or two embroidery stitches, carefully using fine needles and delicate thread to hand-place each stitch in the perfect spot. Kashmiri embroidery work creates some of the most gorgeous, refined patterns we’ve ever seen on sarees, made with love that you can feel in every thread. Another thing that makes Kashmiri embroidery so chic is that it’s light as a feather and catches the light in the most gorgeous way.
Article source: Indian Fashion 101-
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